Monday, September 10, 2012

Sunday, 9/9/12....I had spent most of the day today in bed with some kind of unforgiving stomach bug.....but sometime around 6 pm, I managed to crawl myself up and out of my room and to my trusted iPad to see what I had missed.........and there it innocuous Craigslist ad: "snare and case: $XXX...I knew that I had missed the deal of the day, even though it had just been posted some 15 minutes beforehand.....I emailed the anonymous email address...and waited.

I finally got the call...the snare was still available......of course, it was located on the other side of town...not to mention there was a language barrier to hurdle too in getting directions from its owner......long story short: I managed to "rescue" a mid 90's beautiful Ludwig 5 x 14 Supraphonic snare drum (Monroe keystone badge) and a Ludwig UFO case from the nice lady.....and I even got a lead too from someone else in her family needing a student's drum kit (remember to always ask seller's if they have any other drums/drum parts and/or other music instruments!)

Internet  ads that pop up every now and then with no detailed descriptions and crude photography are a drum picker's smoking gun to perhaps a great deal from someone who knows not what they have.....


  1. That's it; take advantage of an old lady who doesn't know what she has. Probably needed the money to pay her electric bill....congratulations on adding to the homeless population in Birmingham

  2. it was my honor to assist her in paying her electric bill.....

  3. assuming she had a very, very small electric bill...
